Thursday, 11 September 2014

CFP: ADAPT'15 with a new community-driven paper and artifact evaluation


                       CALL FOR PAPERS

             ADAPT: 5th International Workshop on
            Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems                           

         21 January 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
               (co-located with HiPEAC 2015)


        New Community-Driven Paper Evaluation Option!

               Continuing Artifact Evaluation!


Computing systems are rapidly evolving into heterogeneous
machines featuring many processor cores. This leads to
a tremendous complexity with an unprecedented number of available
design and optimization choices for architectures, applications,
compilers and run-time systems. Using outdated, non-adaptive
technology results in an enormous waste of expensive computing
resources and energy, while slowing down time to market.

The 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Self-tuning Computing
Systems is an interdisciplinary forum for researchers,
practitioners, developers and application writers to discuss
ideas, experience, methodology, applications, compilers,
hardware, practical techniques and tools that can improve
or change existing and future computing systems using
self-tuning technology.

Such systems should be able to automatically adjust their
behavior at all levels (hardware and software) and improve
various characteristics including execution time, energy usage,
reliability, size and costs based on empirical, dynamic,
iterative, auto-tuning, statistical, collective, bio-inspired,
machine learning and alternative techniques while fully utilizing
available resources.

=== Optional Community-Driven Evaluation ===

Although not mandatory, we encourage authors to opt-in for our
new experimental publication model where papers, artifacts and
experimental results are pre-validated by the community. If you
wish to participate in this experiment, simply submit your paper
as usual on the submission website and send an email to the PC
chairs indicating you wish to take part. We will give you
instruction about how to upload your paper to arXiv and we will
open a discussion thread on the reddit social platform to allow
anyone to evaluate and comment on it (the authors will be allowed
to respond to all the comments at any time). One week before the
notification deadline, we will close the discussion thread and
the members of the program chair will reach their decisions based
on their own evaluation but also from the comments of others
(including the authors) found on the discussion thread. We hope
that this will help us make the reviewing process more fair,
transparent and interactive while picking up papers that can
raise interesting discussions at the workshop as described in our
vision paper available in ACM DL and arXiv.

=== Optional Artifact Evaluation ===

To continue our public effort started in 2007 to enable
collaborative, systematic and reproducible research and
experimentation on auto-tuning combined with machine learning,
crowdsourcing and run-time adaptation, we particularly welcome
papers where all related research material including code, data
and experimental results is shared and validated by the
community. Therefore, we encourage authors to either provide
a paragraph in their submitted papers describing how to validate
their experimental results or to submit artifacts for validation
after their paper is accepted. See our reproducibility wiki for
more details:

====  Important Dates ====

* Paper submission deadline: 24 October 2014
* Author notification:         19 November 2014
* Final paper version:          3 December 2014

==== Program Chairs/organisers: ====

* Christophe Dubach (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Grigori Fursin (INRIA Saclay, France)

==== Program Committee: ====

* Rosa M. Badia (BSC, Spain)
* Tianshi Chen (ICT, China)
* Bruce Childers (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
* Koen De Bosschere (Ghent University, Belgium)
* Thomas Fahringer (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
* Michael Gerndt (TU Munich, Germany)
* Marisa Gil (UPC, Spain)
* Timothy Jones (University of Cambridge, UK)
* Anton Lokmotov (ARM, UK)
* Chi-Keung Luk (Intel, USA)
* Tipp Moseley (Google, USA)
* Toshio Nakatani (IBM, Japan)
* Lasse Natvig (NTNU, Norway)
* David Padua (UIUC, USA)
* Raphael Poss (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
* Aaron Smith (Microsoft Research, USA)
* Juergen Teich (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
* Petr Tuma (Charles University, Czech Republic)
* Ana Lucia Varbanescu (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
* Vittorio Zaccaria (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

==== Paper Submission Guidelines ====
We invite papers in three categories:

* T1: Unpublished Papers presenting novel unpublished ideas
  (did not appear in any proceedings). Depending on the maturity
  of the work, these papers should be between 2 and 6 pages long
  (excluding bibliography). In addition to mature ideas,
  preliminary and exploratory work is also welcome in this
  category, including wild & crazy ideas.

* T2: Already Published Work (must be your own) presenting
  ideas relevant to the ADAPT workshop. These papers should be up
  to 2 pages long (excluding bibliography) summarising the
  contribution of the original work (including link to it).

* T3: Software/Hardware Demonstration (must be your own)
  presenting publicly available and adaptive software and hardware.
  Description should be up to 6 pages long summarizing the tool,
  demonstration, and relevance to the workshop.

Submissions should be in PDF formatted with double
column/single-spacing, using 10pt fonts and printable on US
letter or A4 sized paper. Accepted papers will be published
online on the conference website and it will not prevent later
publication of extended papers. Depending on the author wish,
we may consider arranging ACM digital library proceedings or
a special journal issue.

Paper submission website:

We particularly welcome papers where experimental results can be
validated by the community. If accepted, the final papers should
include Appendix with detailed research methodology and
references to all used data and tools (should be publicly
available by the time of the workshop). Such submissions should
include (reproducible) in the title.

More details for paper submission here:
==== Past ADAPT workshops ====

* 4th ADAPT 2014 at HiPEAC 2014, Vienna, Austria

* 3rd ADAPT 2013 at HiPEAC 2013, Berlin, Germany

* 2nd EXADAPT 2012 at ASPLOS 2012, London, UK

* 1st ACM SIGPLAN EXADAPT 2011 at PLDI 2011/FCRC 2011, San Jose, CA, USA

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