Saturday, 19 April 2014

Thematic session at HiPEAC CSW "Is Current Research on Heterogeneous HPC Platforms inline with Real-world Application needs?"

My colleagues Marisa Gill and Chris Fench are organizing an interesting
thematic session and a panel "Is Current Research on Heterogeneous HPC Platforms
inline with Real-world Application needs?".

It will be held on the 15th of May during HiPEAC Computing Systems Week
in Barcelona. Join us there:

Weekend digest of tools and licenses related to reproducible R&D

Dear colleagues,

Here is a small summary of tools and licenses that may be useful
for reproducible research and experimentation that I assembled
after SEA'14 conference in Boulder:

* CDE tool: automatically create portable Linux applications
  with all dependencies:

* Docker tool: pack, ship and run applications as a lightweight container

* The IPython Notebook: a web-based interactive computational
  environment where you can combine code execution, text,
  mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document:

* CRAPL license: promote academic code sharing even if it's ugly -
  it's an interesting concept, though not helping my research problems
  at this moment since I need (and promote) not just code and data
  sharing but also their APIs and meta-description to be reusable...

Have a good weekend,

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Digest on reproducible research initiatives

Dear colleagues,
Just wanted to share a few links related to reproducible research:
* Many interesting software projects for research reproducibility
have been presented at the Collaborations Workshop 2014:
All presentations should be available soon!
* Prof. Carole Globe presented a nice overview of software projects for reproducibility of research and experimentation:
* Prof. Globe mentioned yet another interesting initiative on reproducible research:
* Interesting and a bit controversial article about scientific peer reviewing:
Hope of it will of any interest and take care,